The following is a list of resources for information and support:

Department of Education
It’s a Fact: Better Income Can Lead to Better Health
Get Your Benefits Booklet
Department of Families
Financial Benefits and Assistance
Many benefits are available but not accessed by Manitobans simply because they are not applied for. Learn more about what benefits might be available to you and the creation of this valuable booklet here.
- Assistance with applying for federal benefits and income supports
- Get help filing personal tax returns
- Referral to community supports including help opening bank accounts, obtaining ID and financial counselling.
- Connect on the Community Financial Helpline Facebook page
- Free credit counselling services
- Income tax preparation
- Free credit counselling and financial information
- Wide range of free programs to assist Manitobans in accessing benefits and creating plans to save money and build employment/business opportunities.
- Newcomer serving organization that assists with housing, settlement and support
- Useful information for newcomers on available benefits
- Education and employment opportunities in Manitoba
- Find programs and services near you

- Talking About Money is a good resource to learn about money and basic banking in Canada.