Developing a Healthy Sleep Routine for Back to School

By Karla Fehr, PHEc

Summer is winding down and, for many families, back-to-school preparations are in full swing. If this sounds like your household, there might be one thing you’re forgetting.

No, not the school supplies, new lunch bag, and the all-important first-day outfit. We’re talking about a sleep schedule. With just under a week until the kids go back, now is the time to make a return to a more regular bedtime routine.

two children with backpacks walking towards a school entrance

Here are some tips to make the transition smoother:

Gradually shift bedtime. If you are aiming for an earlier bedtime, start the shift a few days in advance and gradually move bedtime forward by 20–30 minutes every night. In the morning, follow the same strategy, waking them a little bit earlier each day.

One hour before bedtime, shut down all electronic devices—TVs, tablets, phones, and video games give off bright light which can disrupt or delay the circadian rhythm. Replace screen time with a low-stimulation activity like reading, quiet play, snuggling, or bathing.

Establish a “wind-down” routine and stick to it. Again, low-stimulation activities will help calm your child and ease them to sleep. For younger kids, establish a “tuck-in” ritual or phrase to send them off to sleep in a predictable, reassuring way.

Create a sleep environment that is cool, dark, and quiet. In households with staggered bedtimes, shut the bedroom door and try a white noise machine to block out sounds coming from other parts of the house.

Stay consistent with the new schedule. It can be challenging, but good sleep hygiene will help your child perform better, both in and out of school.

Karla is a Professional Home Economist and senior years Human Ecology teacher from southern Manitoba. Her interests include gardening, baking, volunteering and walking.