Beware of Electrical and Natural Gas Dangers during Flooding

Many Manitobans have experienced basement flooding. During the spring thaw and throughout the summer, take precautions to stay safe if water threatens your lower level. In a flood situation both electrical and natural gas safety are extremely important. If a flood-related electrical or natural gas emergency occurs in your home, call Manitoba Hydro immediately at 204-480-5900 (Winnipeg) or 1-888-624-9376.

For your safety and to minimize flood damage to electrical and natural gas equipment in your home, consider the following:

Before Flooding Occurs:
• Move appliances to the upper levels of your home if you can, and raise electrical
equipment off the floor using shelving and tables. If the basement floor is dry, turn off the main power switch. Call Manitoba Hydro to shut off the natural gas supply to your home.

If Your Basement Floods:
• Do not enter flooded basements or buildings. They may contain energized water from
electrical wiring or appliances. Serious hazards will result when water and electrical systems mix.
• Do not attempt to turn off the main power switch and do not attempt to disconnect gas appliances. Call Manitoba Hydro to arrange for disconnection of the power at the pole and the natural gas service.

After The Flood Has Receded:
• Contact Manitoba Hydro to find out if it is safe to enter your home. If you smell gas or
suspect a gas leak, leave immediately and call Manitoba Hydro from a safe location.
• If electrical or natural gas service to your home was shut off, call Manitoba Hydro to have your service reactivated.
• Have a qualified electrician clean, dry and test your electrical panel and any electrical
wiring in your home before turning on the power.
• If your natural gas appliances have been flooded, arrange for a licensed heating contractor to inspect them and determine whether they need to be serviced or replaced.

You can also learn about power line hazards in flooded areas at

Prepared by Linda Carter, PHEc
Manitoba Hydro