Picky Eaters

Children with food preferences are often labelled as “picky eaters”. Parents need to be aware that it is normal for children to have food preferences. Toddlers and young children often …

Back to School Breakfasts

As children head back to school, it’s a great time to start a good morning routine. Children who eat a healthy breakfast are better able to learn, remember and pay …

Oatmeal: Not Just for Breakfast

Your memories of oatmeal may include a steaming bowl of brown sugar flecked goodness with cream or maybe a gummy paste you wished you had missed. Regardless of your memory …

Prostate Cancer and Diet

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men. The good news is that about one third of all cancers can be prevented with healthy eating and lifestyle habits. All …

Fresh Peach Raspberry Chocolate Tart

This uncooked pie from Lucy Waverman’s Fast & Fresh Cookbook published by Firefly Books was a big hit. 1 1/2 cups chocolate wafers, crushed (about 30) 375 mL 1/4 cup icing sugar …

Saskatoon Berry Vinaigrette

3/4 cup red wine vinegar 175 mL 3/4 cup saskatoon berries 175 mL 2 tbsps borage honey 25 mL 1 cup canola oil 250 mL 1 tsp fresh thyme (chopped) …